1.Professional color digital image acquisition system: able to see images digitized restore the display, dedicated digital image acquisition resolution greater than 2000 lines;
2.Unique case storage capabilities: able to see the real picture is stored in the computer, and through the distribution of the optical memory permanently preserved, better respond to medical malpractice;
3.Unique background lighting system: the darkroom can be compensated partially fractured outside lighting;
4.Powerful image analysis and processing functions: analysis of the lesion, measurement, calculation and image enhancement, study table for the immediate help provide reliable, able to make a comparative analysis of the therapeutic effect;
5.Equipped with professional color image inkjet printers: the image can be printed with high accuracy output;
6.Galilean optical body using special high-resolution digital images slit lamp microscope optical interfaces;
Microscope Type parallel angle type
eyepiece 12.5X
total magnification microscope 6X , 10X , 16X , 25X , 40X
visual field diameter (mm) φ37 , φ23 , Ø14 , Ø8 .7 , size 5.7
diopter adjustment -5D ~ +5 D
fissure width / height width 0mm ~ 10mm continuously adjustable, high- 1mm ~ 10 continuously adjustable
spot diameter (mm) Ø10 , Ø8 , Ø5 , Ø3 , Phi] 2 , φ0.2
crack angle 0 ° ~ 180 ° continuously adjustable
fissure angle 5 ° , 10 ° , 15 ° , 20 °
lighting imported from Germany tungsten 12V/60Hz
magnification 0.794X ( ± 8% )
filters insulation film, minus rays, no red tablets, cobalt blue chip
input voltage 110V/220V (± 10%) 50/60Hz
Input Power 60VA
Input voltage tungsten halogen 4.5V , 6.0V , 9.0V , 10.5V , 12V
fixation lamp 3.5V
digital slit lamp
Main Configurations:
Galilean slit lamp microscopeDedicated color digital acquisition
Dedicated digital image optical interfacesLCD color monitor
Dedicated fissure Light digital image processing software system
Performance computer workstations
High-resolution color image printing system
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